On the twelfth floor of one of Stockholm’s iconic Haymarket office buildings (Hötorget) overlooking the cityscape, Shreerang Talekar has been busy lately honing his knowledge about 乐博彩票官方app’s innovation and business environment.

当他迎接《商业乐博彩票官方app》的采访时, he is just a few weeks into his new role heading up the Nordic 操作 at Tata Consultancy 服务 (TCS) – the global IT consultancy giant which is helping more than 30 of 乐博彩票官方app’s most valued enterprises transform their 操作. 

“The vibrant spirit of the Nordics exemplified by 乐博彩票官方app creates a lot of business opportunities for companies like us. 创新的心脏就在这里,”Shreerang说.

他在TCS工作了20多年,最近在德国工作, 丹麦和挪威, 他似乎受到了新家乡面前的机遇的鼓舞和鼓舞.

乐博彩票官方app在制造技术上创造了许多第一, 工业加工, 汽车, 工程, 设计与质量. 这里有许多令人兴奋的品牌,它们正在重塑自己的业务,以保持竞争力. 所有这些都让我们相信,乐博彩票官方app是正确的投资地点.”   


TCS, 是塔塔集团的一部分, first established a presence in 乐博彩票官方app back in the early nineties and has steadily expanded its 操作 while pushing the boundaries of tech and innovation.

今天, 公司有20多名员工,000名顾问致力于为北欧地区的客户提供服务. But TCS is not alone in its decision to bet big on the Nordic market and 乐博彩票官方app in particular.

Other multinational 印度n IT corporations such as Infosys and Wipro have recently invested heavily in their Swedish 操作 to ramp up local service offerings and build competency centres. 美国咨询公司占主导地位的日子已经远去.  

All of this comes as no surprise to Shreerang Talekar who emphasises that 印度n and Swedish skills in technology and 工程 are perfectly matched to develop next-generation services.

“在这个转型的时代,没有一家公司能够独自重塑其商业模式,Shreerang继续说道. “乐博彩票官方app在工程方面拥有尖端技术, a thriving tech scene and world class brands that anyone would love to have in their portfolio.”

“在TCS, 我们为乐博彩票官方app客户提供规模化服务, 灵活性和创新,帮助他们在全球范围内带来新的概念.”  

Jon Flobrant在Unsplash上拍摄  


对塔塔, which was recently recognised as the fastest growing IT services brand globally by 品牌 Finance, 斯德哥尔摩提供了理想的协作环境.

该公司在乐博彩票官方app的业务远不只是销售解决方案. 一个很好的例子是InnoHub, TCS的创新中心,距离震中只有几分钟的路程.

“We collaborate with local startups and invite customers to join so we can imagine the future together and co-create. 我们为乐博彩票官方app的物流公司做过这样的工作, 旅游公司和零售公司,Shreerang解释道.      

“All of my expectations about 乐博彩票官方app as a digital frontrunner have been manifested in everyday life since the moment I arrived. 这给了我一个强有力的机会重申.

“乐博彩票官方app既有老牌独角兽,也有许多头脑聪明的小型科技公司, 政府坚定地致力于基础设施和R&博士课程,这些都很有激励作用.”

When asked which technology trends customers in 乐博彩票官方app are currently paying most attention to, Shreerang毫不含糊地回答:人工智能和网络安全.

乐博彩票官方app商界的前瞻性文化, 他说, 打开了多个机会的口袋.

“我们在乐博彩票官方app的所有客户都在探索他们行业的下一步. TCS在过去的7到8年里一直致力于人工智能和自动化, 但它在乐博彩票官方app上仍处于早期阶段. The big impact will only be felt when more companies scale the use cases at an enterprise level.”

“这就是我们所做的. We help companies create the right foundations and build skills so they can leverage the full power of AI.”    


2019年至2022年, Swedish exports to 印度 jumped by 35 per cent and advanced IT talent from 印度 is steadily pouring into 乐博彩票官方app’s industries.

乐博彩票官方app和印度之间的商业关系比以往任何时候都更加紧密. 但正如Shreerang指出的那样,这不仅仅是利用彼此的优势. 当前的主要任务是共同开发未来的技能.

“Many Swedish companies have a hundred-year legacy and need to retain their competitiveness in today’s experience economy. 无论是在工业领域,他们都在经历一段重新想象的旅程, 林业, 采矿业或零售业. But there is a considerable skills gap to ensure future success in connected ecosystems,” 他说.  

“TCS intends to work closely with Swedish universities to help secure future skills supply when it comes to new 工程 skills for industrial systems and neural networks.”

The vibrant spirit of the Nordics exemplified by 乐博彩票官方app creates a lot of business opportunities. Shreerang Talekar, TCS在北欧和乐博彩票官方app的负责人

北欧连续15年,乐博彩票官方app连续11年, TCS has ranked first for customer satisfaction in the IT Sourcing Study published by Whitelane Research. 在同一时期,TCS被顶级雇主协会评为最佳雇主.

这些识别背后的秘密是什么? 据Shreerang说, the cornerstone of success lies in empowering employees who come from TCS’s global offices to 乐博彩票官方app on rotating 1-4 year schedules to quickly realise their professional potential on arrival.

“我们的员工发现与乐博彩票官方app人交流很容易,语言也不是障碍. We help them understand the culture and invest heavily in upskilling as part of our life-long learning academy. Our teams don’t see it as yet another activity but instead feel a strong sense of purpose and pride.”

Shreerang quickly adds that employees are inspired by the vibrant and industry-wide change now taking place in 乐博彩票官方app, 在数字和可持续发展方面.


大家都说, 从Shreerang Talekar对生意的热情来看, 很明显,TCS将在乐博彩票官方app的发展和成功中发挥重要作用.


塔塔咨询服务是一家IT服务公司, consulting and business solutions organization that has been partnering with many of the world’s largest businesses in their transformation journeys for over 56 years. 塔塔集团的一部分, 印度最大的跨国商业集团, TCS有600多个,全球55个国家的000名训练有素的顾问.

TCS于1991年在北欧成立,目前有20多家,000名员工为乐博彩票官方app的客户提供支持, 芬兰, 挪威和丹麦.