Today, global events are rapidly reshaping the global business landscape faster than ever before. 技术的进步, 地缘政治变化, and the climate challenge aren't mere trends; they're seismic shifts prompting corporate strategists to rethink their game plans.

策略师不能再仅仅依赖历史数据. This new era demands proficiency in predicting trends in an increasingly volatile market, 需要适应乐博彩票官方app变化, 以及整个行业变革的潜力.

Recent surveys of global chief executives highlight this adaptive mindset: many anticipate significant parts of their future revenue to stem from new markets and business models. 更有趣的是, 这些领导人期待竞争格局的重新洗牌, predicting that their primary competition will shift in just a few years – where newcomers with disruptive business models are perceived as looming threats to their core 操作.

认识到这些重大转变, we have engaged with strategists from some of 乐博彩票官方app’s largest corporations to get their view. 我们的讨论集中在他们的战略上, 建议, and insights for pursuing both adjacent and transformational growth in today’s intricate business landscape.




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